Ceiling panels are fitted with a central steel channel split by non conductive material. This adds huge strength to the panel - eliminated the ceiling sag that you can get in some other panel systems. Solutions are also available to support high level services such as cable trays, pipe work, etc (please ask for details).
ModuSec Construction Options - Ceilings
Ceiling panels are identical to wall panels with the same options. However on standard panels steel reinforcement channels are foamed into the centre of all panels for their entire length. Hence you can pick up a fixing point for fire suppression pipes at 1140mm centres. For heavier loads we can provide options or suggestions to meet the requirement (e.g. additional steelwork). Again lighter loads such as lighting and cables conduits can be screwed directly to the panel surface.
Standard ceilings can span up to 6m before requiring any additional support (around 3.8m for high security ceilings) - exceeding BS6399 - the requirement for 'walk on' strength. Around the perimeter the ceilings are supported directly on the walls - without the need for a steel ring beam on posts (ModuSec has been fire tested to LPS 1181 unsupported *). This keeps the walls clear for placing M & E equipment. The wall-ceiling joints are sealed and fixed with steel angles and finished off with a decorative coving. Additional roof support and additional reinforcement can be included to fix heavy equipment.
Watch the Panel Strength Video to see how five men can safely stand on a single panel, supported only at the short ends, demonstrating the 'walk on' capacity for access to services located above rooms.
* Note that mineral wool panel systems should be fitted with a steel ring beam on posts for ceilings to sit on - as the wall panels do not have structural stability in the event of a serious fire - when the panel skins de-laminate (i.e. come off as the adhesive fails under heat). They have only been fire tested to LPS 1181 as 'supported' structures. Hence this requirement is made (but often not followed) to meet Building Control regulations. In addition, recommended maximum ceiling spans are only 4m for 100mm mineral wool panels - meaning less clear space.